Hi, everyone! I just wanted to give an update. My surgery went fine on Monday and I am home today (Thursday). I am glad that I did it. Dr. Houston and the staff at Centennial took excellent care of me.
Including the removal of the lap band, the surgery took about five hours. I left admissions at about 7am and was prepared for surgery by 8. I was in recovery for a couple of hours and then brought back to my room about 3.
Honestly, the biggest problem I had was dealing with the IV pole! They were pushing so much down me, and after the catheter was removed, I was getting a lot of exercise running to the rest room. I was also on great pain meds that made it more difficult to remove my leg massagers.
By yesterday, 2 days after surgery, I was itching to get out of the hospital. I was giggling with someone in my room and had been walking when they came to take my blood pressure. Unfortunately, since I had been taking advantage of my escape from the IV pole earlier in the day, my blood pressure rose and stayed high for awhile. I thought that I had shot myself in the foot and that would affect my release. However, they gave me something through the IV again and it brought down my blood pressure.
I am a bit tired. Dr. Houston says that it will take a few weeks to get my strength back. I have some medicines to take and my drain will come out next week.
I have got to get used to this sipping thing. At this point, I have no desire for any food. Sip, breathe, walk!
Thanks for all of your kind thoughts.
On Tuesday when they brought the Crystal light in I wanted to gulp gulp gulp!!
It has been hard for me too sipping, I feel like I am not getting enough to drink still my mouth is so dry.
Walking ....sipping....and sleeping....praying for you girl~~
You sound like you might be dehydrated. Try to get your liquids. Love my Chrystal Light!
Take care. I had a lot more energy today!